Focusing on molecular research in Recurrent Miscarriage at ASRM annual meeting 2023

So sorry for not blogging since the New Year.

So much has happened and so much to do. I have been working on my own big research grant from the NIH on investigating sperm and recurrent miscarriage. More to follow in next few months on who is eligible for my study and what it is all about. In short, lets focus on men and their role in recurrent miscarriage for a change!

This year I am the lead organizer for the ASRM (American Society of Reproductive Medicine) Early Pregnancy Special Interest Group (EPSIG) offerings for our annual international meeting in New Orleans starting tommorrow. I am particularly proud that I have put my research focus mark on this year’s offerings. For example this year’s postgraduate course will highlight the cutting edge basic science research in recurrent miscarriage and also we have a research symposia called ‘Let’s get molecular about Recurrent pregnancy loss’. For this symposia, I have invited speakers who are research experts in the area of sperm (Dr. Tim Jenkins, BYU), placenta (Dr. Soumen Paul, University of Kansas) and endometrium (uterus lining, Dr. Franco DeMayo NIEHS) to talk and this is partly sponsored by the Recurrent Pregnancy Loss Association (RPLA).

The more we research RPL, the more we understand and the more we can offer future patients!